What are we?
The Community Health Center program is over 50 years old, and ever expanding. We are constantly searching for areas to expand to better serve our patients and the community as a whole.

The Need
In the United States there are 42 million Americans that currently lack insurance. 62 million people lack access to a doctor because of local shortages of primary care physicians. Many of those individuals have no form of insurance. Similarly nearly 1,500 counties across the state have no health center.
Community Health Centers can provide highly efficient and cost-effective care, reducing or eliminating the need for more costly care. They can also provide many of the preventative care procedures including screening, diagnosis and management. Health Centers produce Medicaid savings by reducing unnecessary, avoidable and wasteful use of health resources. As a result, health centers save the federal-state Medicaid program approximately $6 billion annually.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.